*Results: 22
" systematic review"[All]
Systematic Review2024-09-30
Cupping Therapy for the Treatment of Migraine Headache: a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials
Bushra Mohandes1†, Fatma Elsayed Ahmed Bayoumi1†, Aisha Abdulkarim AllahDiwaya1, Maryam Salah Falah1, Leen Hesham Alhamd1, Razan Abid Alsawadi2, Yipeng Sun1, Aidi Ma1, Idris Sula1, Muhammad Candragupta Jihwaprani1*J Pharmacopuncture 2024; 27(3): 177-189 -
Original Article2024-03-31
Pharmacoacupuncture for the Treatment of Frozen Shoulder: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
Ji-Ho Lee1, Hyeon-Sun Park2, Sang-Hyeon Park2, Dong-Ho Keum2, Seo-Hyun Park2*J Pharmacopuncture 2024; 27(1): 14-20 -
Systematic Review2023-12-31
Comparison of Effectiveness of Manual Therapy for Infant Crying: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Ui Jin Park1, Hye In Jeong2, Kyeong Han Kim3*J Pharmacopuncture 2023; 26(4): 285-297 -
Systematic Review2023-09-30
The Effects of Acupuncture on Crohn’s Disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Joon Hyun Bae1†, Seo Young Kang1†, Si Eun You1†, Hye In Jeong2, Soobin Jang3, Kyeong Han Kim4*J Pharmacopuncture 2023; 26(3): 211-226 -
Original Article2023-06-30
External Treatment of Pyritum for Musculoskeletal Trauma: a protocol for systematic review
Ji Hye Hwang1*, Su Hyun Choi2J Pharmacopuncture 2023; 26(2): 192-197 -
Review Article2023-06-30
Efficacy of Herbal Medicines on Lung Function in Asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Alireza Derakhshan1†, Masoumeh Sadeghi2†, Amir-Mohammad-Hashem Asnaashari3*, Mohsen Dehghani4, Roshanak Salari1, Majid Khadem-Rezaiyan5, Majid Mirsadraee6, Shahin Saeidinejat1*, Shima Jalali7, Shabnam Jalali7J Pharmacopuncture 2023; 26(2): 124-138 -
Original Article2023-03-31
Effectiveness of the Shugan Jieyu Capsule against Psychiatric Symptoms in Epilepsy: a protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis
Sejin Kim1, Yunna Kim1,2,3*, Seung-Hun Cho1,2,3*J Pharmacopuncture 2023; 26(1): 38-43 -
Systematic Review2022-12-31
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Efficacy and Safety of Fire Needling and Warm Needling on Acute Gout
Ji Hye Hwang1, Aejin Song2, Ho-Sueb Song1*J Pharmacopuncture 2022; 25(4): 301-316 -
Systematic Review2022-09-30
Effectiveness of Acupuncture, Mind and Body Practices, and Natural Products for Insomnia: an overview of systematic reviews
Jin Ju Yeo1, Jang Won Lee1,2, Kyung Sik Kim3, Min Kyung Hyun2*J Pharmacopuncture 2022; 25(3): 186-198 -
Systematic Review2022-09-30
Ethnomedicinal Practices and Traditional Medicinal Plants of Barak Valley, Assam: a systematic review
Pervej Alom Barbhuiya, Abdul Mannaf Laskar, Hemanga Mazumdar, Partha Pratim Dutta, Manash Pratim Pathak, Biplab Kumar Dey, Saikat Sen*J Pharmacopuncture 2022; 25(3): 149-185