
Journal of Pharmacopuncture

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Enacted March 19, 2020

  • 1. Website:
    • i. The URL address of official journal web site: https://www.journal-jop.org
      ii. ‘Aims & Scope’ statement:

      The Journal of Pharmacopuncture is an international, peer-reviewed open-access journal published in English by the Korean Pharmacopuncture Institute (KPI). The journal has provided high-quality papers quarterly since it was launched in 1997. Its ISSN was changed in September 2010
      from 1226-4849 to 2093-6966 when its title was changed from Daehanyakchimhakhweiji to the Journal of Pharmacopuncture. The journal aims to publish evidence-based, scientific research papers in the multidisciplinary field of traditional and modern medicine through a strict review process by a panel of experts. As an international journal, the Journal of Pharmacopuncture also aims to present major advances and new developments contributing to the advancement of complementary and alternative medicine, with a special focus on pharmacology, acupuncture and a combination of pharmacology and acupuncture. The journal is dedicated to disseminating current data and ideas and fostering debate on issues related to complementary and alternative medicine and to providing better information to both the general public and experts. In addition, the journal requires high standards of research ethics to maintain the integrity of science. The official title of the journal is 'Journal of Pharmacopuncture', and the abbreviated title is 'J. Pharmacopunct.' For submission, see the details at http://www.journal-jop.org

      The Journal of Pharmacopuncture covers a wide range of basic and clinical science research relevant to all aspects of the biotechnology of integrated approaches using both pharmacology and acupuncture therapeutics, including research involving pharmacology, acupuncture studies and pharmacopuncture studies. The subjects are mainly divided into three categories: pharmacology (applied phytomedicine, plant sciences, pharmacology, toxicology, medicinal plants, traditional medicines, herbal medicine, Sasang constitutional medicine, herbal formulae, foods, agricultural technologies, naturopathy, etc.), acupuncture (acupressure, electroacupuncture, laser acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, etc.), and pharmacopuncture (aqua-acupuncture, meridian pharmacopuncture, eight-principles pharmacopuncture, animal-based pharmacopuncture, mountain ginseng pharmacopuncture, bee venom therapy, needle embedding therapy, implant therapy, etc.). Other categories include chuna treatment, veterinary acupuncture and related animal studies, alternative medicines for treating cancer and cancer-related symptoms, etc. Broader topical coverage on the effects of acupuncture, the medical plants used in traditional and alternative medicine, pharmacological action and other related modalities, such as anthroposophy, homeopathy, ayurveda, bioelectromagnetic therapy, chiropractic, neural therapy and meditation, can be considered to be within the journal's scope if based on acupoints and meridians.
      iii. Readership: JoP is primarily for medical researchers and clinicians of acupuncture, traditional medicine, integrative medicine, complementary and alternative medicine, and other personnel who work in the field of medicine. Its readership can be expanded to other positions related to subjects described in aims and scope.
      iv. Authorship criteria: The authorship should be given according to 1) making substantial contribution to the conception and design of the study, or acquisition, interpretation and analysis of data; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for the important intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to be published. When a large, multicenter group has conducted the work, the group should identify the individuals who accept direct responsibility for the manuscript. When submitting a manuscript authored by a group, the corresponding author should clearly indicate the preferred citation and identify all individual authors as well as the group name. Journals generally list other members of the group in the Acknowledgments. Acquisition of funding, collection of data, or general supervision of the research group alone does not constitute authorship.
      v. Duplicate submission and redundant publication: Submitted manuscripts must not have been previously published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. No part of the accepted manuscript should be duplicated in any other scientific journal without the permission of the Editorial Board. Submitted manuscripts are screened for possible plagiarism or duplicate publication by Similarity Check upon arrival. If plagiarism or duplicate publication is detected, the manuscripts may be rejected, the authors will be announced in the journal, and their institutions will be informed. There will also be penalties for the authors. A letter of permission is required for any and all material that has been published previously. It is the responsibility of the author to request permission from the publisher for any material that is being reproduced. This requirement applies to text, figures, and tables.
      vi. pISSN: 2093-6966 eISSN: 2234-6856
  • 2. Name of journal
    • The official title of the journal is 'Journal of Pharmacopuncture', and the abbreviated title is 'J. Pharmacopunct.'
  • 3. Peer review process
    • We adopt the double-blind peer review.

      Reviewers are assigned to a submitted paper for peer review.

      Anything indicating identification of authors is removed from the papers assigned for review. The invited reviewers should give a review of the assigned paper within 15 days after agreeing to do review.

      Reviewers classify the paper as accepted in present form, minor revision (accepted after modest revisions), major revision (reconsidered for acceptance after major changes), and rejected at this stage.

      When the paper is evaluated as minor revision (accepted after modest revisions), the reviewers should specify where should be made corrections. Revised papers are put under a second review by the reviewers or the Editorial Board members to determine whether they are acceptable in revised form.

      When a paper is evaluated as major revision (reconsidered for acceptance after major change), the reviewers should specify where should be made corrections. Revised papers are put under a second review by the reviewers or the Editorial Board members to determine whether they are acceptable in revised form.

      When the paper is rejected at this stage, the reviewers should cite specific reasons as to how the decision was reached.

      Review results will be sent to the authors once the required reviews are completed.

      Reviewers should post review results on the website of the Journal of Pharmacopuncture. Emails from reviewers and authors are considered as digital signatures.
  • 4. Ownership and management
  • 5. Governing body
    • The governing body is the journal’s editorial board.
  • 6. Editorial team and contact information
    • i. Editorial team is available from the Editorial Board page at the front part of the journal.
      ii. Contact information
      Jae-Heon Kim
      JoP Editorial office
      4F AKOM Building, 91, Heojun-ro, Gangseo-gu, Seoul 07525, Korea, Tel: +82-2-2658-9051, Fax: +82-2-2658-9136, E-mail: kpi-jpharmaco@naver.com
  • 7. Copyright and licensing
    • i. Copyright policy: Published manuscripts become the permanent property of the Korean Pharmacopuncture Institute and may not be published elsewhere in any form without written permission.

      ii. Licensing information: JOP Journals are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge & be non-commercial, they don't have to license their derivative works on the same terms.

      Published Open Access articles are distributed under this Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC). Articles can be read and shared for noncommercial purposes under the following conditions:

      BY: Attribution must be given to the original source (Attribution) NC: Works may not be used for commercial purposes (Noncommercial) JOP Journals use the CC BY-NC to protect the author's work from misuse. For more information about creative commons licences, please see: https://creativecommons.org
  • 8. Author fees
    • Neither page charge, article processing charge (also known as a publication fee) for accepted articles nor submission fee will be applied. It is the platinum open access journal.
  • 9. Process for the identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct
    • When the journal faces suspected cases of research and publication misconduct such as redundant (duplicate) publication, plagiarism, fraudulent or fabricated data, changes in authorship, an undisclosed conflict of interest, ethical problems with a submitted manuscript, a reviewer who has appropriated an author’s idea or data, complaints against editors, and so on, the resolution process will follow the flowchart provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts). The discussion and decision on the suspected cases are carried out by the Editorial Board.
  • 10. Publication ethics
    • i. Journal policies on authorship and contributorship: It is described at the Instructions to authors.
      ii. How the journal will handle complaints and appeals: The policy of the journal is primarily aimed at protecting the authors, reviewers, editors, and the publisher of the journal. If not described below, the process of handling complaints and appeals follows the guidelines of the Committee of Publication Ethics available from: https://publicationethics.org/appeals
      • Who complains or makes an appeal?: Submitters, authors, reviewers, and readers may register complaints and appeals in a variety of cases as follows: falsification, fabrication, plagiarism, duplicate publication, authorship dispute, conflict of interest, ethical treatment of animals, informed consent, bias or unfair/inappropriate competitive acts, copyright, stolen data, defamation, and legal problem. If any individuals or institutions want to inform the cases, they can send a letter to the editor. For the complaints or appeals, concrete data with answers to all factual questions (who, when, where, what, how, why) should be provided.
      • Who is responsible to resolve and handle complaints and appeals?: The Editor, Editorial Board, or Editorial Office is responsible for them.
      • What may be the consequence of remedy?: It depends on the type or degree of misconduct. The consequence of resolution will follow the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
      iii. Journal policies on conflicts of interest / competing interests: It is described at the Instructions to authors.
      iv. Journal policies on data sharing and reproducibility; Open data policy: For clarification on result accuracy and reproducibility of the results, raw data or analysis data will be deposited to a public repository after acceptance of the manuscript. Therefore, the submission of the raw data or analysis data is mandatory. If the data is already a public one, its URL site or sources should be disclosed. If data cannot be publicized, it can be negotiated with the editor. If there are any inquiries on depositing data or waiver of data sharing, the authors should contact the editorial office. Clinical data sharing policy: This journal follows the data sharing policy described in “Data Sharing Statements for Clinical Trials: A Requirement of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors” (https://jkms.org/DOIx.php?id=10.3346/jkms.2017.32.7.1051). The ICMJE's policy regarding trial registration is explained at http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/publishing-and-editorial-issues/clinical-trial-registration.html.
      If the data sharing plan changes after registration this should be reflected in the statement submitted and published with the manuscript, and updated in the registry record. All of the authors of research articles that deal with interventional clinical trials must submit data sharing plan. Based on the degree of sharing plan, authors should deposit their data after deidentification and report the DOI of the data and the registered site.
      v. Journal's policy on ethical oversight: When the Journal faces suspected cases of research and publication misconduct such as a redundant (duplicate) publication, plagiarism, fabricated data, changes in authorship, undisclosed conflicts of interest, and ethical problem discovered with the submitted manuscript, a reviewer who has appropriated an author’s idea or data, complaints against editors, and other issues, the resolving process will follow the flowchart provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts). All studies involving human subjects or human data must be reviewed and approved by a responsible Institutional Review Board (IRB). The Editorial Board will discuss the suspected cases and reach a decision. We will not hesitate to publish errata, corrigenda, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when needed.
      vi. Journal's policy on intellectual property: All published papers become the permanent property of the Korean Pharmacopuncture Institute. Copyrights of all published materials are owned by the Korean Pharmacopuncture Institute.
      vii. Journal's options for post-publication discussions and corrections: The post-publication discussion is available through letter to editor. If any readers have a concern on any articles published, they can submit letter to editor on the articles. If there founds any errors or mistakes in the article, it can be corrected through erratum, corrigenda, or retraction.
  • 11. Publishing schedule
    • It is to be published quarterly. (March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31) Supplement issues may be published.
  • 12. Access
    • This is an open-access journal distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative (CC BY-NC) license, which is for non-commercial purposes, lets others distribute and copy the article, and to include in a collective work (such as an anthology), as long as they credit the author(s).
  • 13. Archiving
  • 14. Revenue sources
    • Revenue sources of journal are from the support of publisher (Korean Pharmacopuncture Institute), Korea Government’s support, and advertising rates.
  • 15. Advertising
    • Journal of Pharmacopuncture accepts any advertisements on the following basis:

      Eligibility of the advertised products or services
      All products or services should be safe and reliable, and not cause any harm to the health and welfare of humans. Advertisements may promote information and technologies relevant for authors, editors, reviewers, and readers. Pharmaceutical products may also be considered.
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      - Advertisements for pharmaceutical products must conform to all regulations and policies of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, Republic of Korea in every respect.

      Any individuals or organizations who are interested in advertising their products or services in the print copies of the journal or on its website are encouraged to contact the editorial office. The acceptance of advertisements will be discussed by the editorial board and will be ultimately approved by the publisher.

      Advertisement fee
      For one print copy issue, the advertisement price for one whole page is USD 1,000 (or KRW 1,000,000). If the advertisement is half a page, the price is reduced by half. For a quarter of the page, this price is reduced by one quarter.

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  • 16. Direct marketing
    • Journal propagation has been done through the journal web site and distribution of an introduction pamphlet. Invitations to submit a manuscript are usually focused on the presenters at conferences, seminars, or workshops if the topic is related to the journal's aims and scope.

Journal Info

Journal of Pharmacopuncture
Vol.27 No.4
December, 2024

pISSN 2093-6966
eISSN 2234-6856

Archives >

Editorial Office

Fax +82-2-2658-9136

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  • Case Report2023-03-31

    Suggested Integrative Approach for Hand Abscess with Cupping Therapy: a case study

    Emad Ahmed Fathy Hussein1*, Shahira Hassan Ibrahim Negm1, Tabish Ishaq Shaikh2, Ahmed Helmy Saleh3
    J Pharmacopuncture 2023; 26(1): 94-98 https://doi.org/10.3831/KPI.2023.26.1.94

    Abstract : A forty-three-year-old male patient was diagnosed with an acute abscess in the dorsum of the right hand. On the 5th day of conventional pharmacological therapy the patient was still suffering, and was referred to the Outpatient department (OPD) to evacuate and drain the abscess and treat the edema around the area with Hijama (wet cupping therapy, WCT). The hand abscess was successfully cured within a week using an integrative approach of wet cupping therapy together with conventional drug therapy.

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  • Review Article2023-03-31

    A Review of Clinical and Preclinical Studies on the Therapeutic Potential of Black Seeds (Nigella sativa) in the Management of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

    Rajkapoor Balasubramanian1*, Naina Mohamed Pakkir Maideen2, Sudha Muthusamy3, Mirunalini Gobinath4
    J Pharmacopuncture 2023; 26(1): 1-9 https://doi.org/10.3831/KPI.2023.26.1.1

    Abstract : Objectives: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that occurs frequently among women of reproductive age and is a polygenic, multifactorial, endocrine, and metabolic disorder. PCOS is becoming more common as a result of risk factors such as current lifestyle, overnutrition, and stress. The use of traditional herbal medicine is higher among the global population. Hence, this review article focuses on the potential of Nigella sativa to manage women with PCOS.Methods: A literature search was carried out using databases including Medline, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Embase, and Science Direct, as well as reference lists, to identify relevant publications that support the use of N. sativa in the management of women with PCOS.Results: Several clinical and preclinical studies have demonstrated that the major bioactive constituent of black seed (N. sativa), thymoquinone, has potential for managing women with PCOS. Moreover, N. sativa may help to manage oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea in women with PCOS through its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.Conclusion: N. sativa has potential for use as a herbal medicine for managing women with PCOS as an integrative medicine along with traditional and modern medicine in conjunction with calorie restriction and regular exercise.

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  • Original Article2023-03-31

    Phytochemical, Antidiabetic, Antioxidant, Antibacterial, Acute and Sub-Chronic Toxicity of Moroccan Arbutus unedo Leaves

    Latifa Doudach1, Hanae Naceiri Mrabti2,3*, Samiah Hamad Al-Mijalli4, Mohamed Reda Kachmar5, Kaoutar Benrahou2, Hamza Assaggaf6, Ahmed Qasem6, Emad Mohamed Abdallah7, Bodour Saeed Rajab6, Khouloud Harraqui8, Mouna Mekkaoui9, Abdelhakim Bouyahya10, Moulay El Abbes Faouzi2
    J Pharmacopuncture 2023; 26(1): 27-37 https://doi.org/10.3831/KPI.2023.26.1.27

    Abstract : Objectives: Moroccan Arbutus unedo is an essential medicinal plant; however, little is known about the biological properties of its leaves mentioned in Moroccan traditional medicine.Methods: Various standard experiments were performed to evaluate the phytochemical, antidiabetic, antioxidant, antibacterial, and acute and sub-chronic toxicity characteristics of A. unedo leaves.Results: Phytochemical screening led to the identification of several phytochemical classes, including tannins, flavonoids, terpenoids, and anthraquinones, with high concentrations of polyphenols (31.83 ± 0.29 mg GAEs/g extract) and flavonoids (16.66 ± 1.47 mg REs/g extract). Further, the mineral analysis revealed high levels of calcium and potassium. A. unedo extract demonstrated significant antioxidant and anti-diabetic activities by inhibiting α-amylase (1.350 ± 0.32 g/mL) and α-glucosidase (0.099 ± 1.21 g/mL) compared to the reference drug Acarbose. Also, the methanolic extract of the plant exhibited significantly higher antibacterial activity than the aqueous extract. Precisely, three of the four examined bacterial strains exhibited substantial susceptibility to the methanolic extract . Minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC)/minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values indicated that A. unedo harbor abundant bactericidal compounds. For toxicological studies, mice were administered with A. unedo aqueous extract at single doses of 2,000 and 5,000 mg/kg. They did not exhibit significant abnormal behavior, toxic symptoms, or death during the 14-day acute toxicity test and the 90-day sub-chronic toxicity test periods. The general behavior, body weight, and hematological and biochemical status of the rats were assessed, revealing no toxicological symptoms or clinically significant changes in biological markers observed in the mice models, except hypoglycemia, after 90 days of daily dose administration.Conclusion: The study highlighted several biological advantages of A. unedo leaves without toxic effects in short-term application. Our findings suggest that conducting more comprehensive and extensive in vivo investigations is of utmost importance to identify molecules that can be formulated into pharmaceuticals in the future.

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  • Review Article2023-03-31

    A Review of Clinical and Preclinical Studies on the Therapeutic Potential of Black Seeds (Nigella sativa) in the Management of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

    Rajkapoor Balasubramanian1*, Naina Mohamed Pakkir Maideen2, Sudha Muthusamy3, Mirunalini Gobinath4
    J Pharmacopuncture 2023; 26(1): 1-9 https://doi.org/10.3831/KPI.2023.26.1.1

    Abstract : Objectives: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that occurs frequently among women of reproductive age and is a polygenic, multifactorial, endocrine, and metabolic disorder. PCOS is becoming more common as a result of risk factors such as current lifestyle, overnutrition, and stress. The use of traditional herbal medicine is higher among the global population. Hence, this review article focuses on the potential of Nigella sativa to manage women with PCOS.Methods: A literature search was carried out using databases including Medline, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Embase, and Science Direct, as well as reference lists, to identify relevant publications that support the use of N. sativa in the management of women with PCOS.Results: Several clinical and preclinical studies have demonstrated that the major bioactive constituent of black seed (N. sativa), thymoquinone, has potential for managing women with PCOS. Moreover, N. sativa may help to manage oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea in women with PCOS through its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.Conclusion: N. sativa has potential for use as a herbal medicine for managing women with PCOS as an integrative medicine along with traditional and modern medicine in conjunction with calorie restriction and regular exercise.

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  • Review Article2023-06-30

    A Review on Acupuncture Efficiency in Human Polycystic Ovary/Ovarian Syndrome

    Natália M. de Oliveira1,2*, Jorge Machado1,2,3, Lara Lopes1,2, Maria Begoña Criado2,4
    J Pharmacopuncture 2023; 26(2): 105-123 https://doi.org/10.3831/KPI.2023.26.2.105

    Abstract : Objectives: Human Polycystic Ovary/Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), a frequent endocrine pathophysiology among women of fertile age, is associated with woman’s lifespan endocrine, metabolic and psychological implications. Long-term usage side effects of allopathic strategies and their low efficacy made complementary medicine treatments a relevant subject for these patients. The main aim of this work is to review the efficiency of the acupuncture treatment reported in the latest studies on literature regarding PCOS patients.Methods: A comprehensive literature search, in English language, about the use of acupuncture on the management of PCOS, was conducted in October 2020 using EBSCO, Cochrane, PubMed, Medline, Embase, databases for randomised and non-randomised controlled trials between 2015 and 2020 (09/2015-10/2020), following the PRISMA protocol.Results: This research led us to an analysis, according to PICOS, of six final papers selected among 178 in total. The articles addressed distinct aspects of the PCOS condition, diverse acupuncture techniques and different main and secondary outcomes in agreement to the respective main objective. According to this review, acupuncture seems to be useful for the treatment of this debilitating and chronic health condition which affects millions of women worldwide, many of them part of the workforce in their community.Conclusion: Despite of the display of these positive results addressing acupuncture treatments to manage PCOS major symptoms - whether they are reproductive, metabolic, or mental health features - more research is urgent. Randomized, double blinded controlled trials with improved quality design and following STRICTA and/or CONSORT recommendations are necessary to engage acupuncture as a standardized and scientific validated technique in PCOS condition.

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  • Case Report2023-03-31

    Suggested Integrative Approach for Hand Abscess with Cupping Therapy: a case study

    Emad Ahmed Fathy Hussein1*, Shahira Hassan Ibrahim Negm1, Tabish Ishaq Shaikh2, Ahmed Helmy Saleh3
    J Pharmacopuncture 2023; 26(1): 94-98 https://doi.org/10.3831/KPI.2023.26.1.94

    Abstract : A forty-three-year-old male patient was diagnosed with an acute abscess in the dorsum of the right hand. On the 5th day of conventional pharmacological therapy the patient was still suffering, and was referred to the Outpatient department (OPD) to evacuate and drain the abscess and treat the edema around the area with Hijama (wet cupping therapy, WCT). The hand abscess was successfully cured within a week using an integrative approach of wet cupping therapy together with conventional drug therapy.

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